The Cyberpipe computer museum team decided to make it’s own Galaksija computer. The head of the project is Tomaž Šolc. He writes about his work on the project on his website:
Damjan Lenar?i?, the owner of Galaksija, that was on display at our museum in february, 2006, wrote on Galaksija:
Galaksija was developed by Voja Antoni?, who (as he said) designed it on vacation in a hotel room. Credits for its tremendous popularity in former Yugoslafia go to the magazine Galaksija. An article published in 1984 in a special edition named “Ra?unari u vašoj ku?i” (“Computers in your house”, the special edition grew into magazine Ra?unari (“Computers”)) which presented the building of the Galaksija in a simple way.
The article got a huge response from the readers and according to some sources, Galaksija got in over 8000 homes. Another man should be mentioned here – Dejan Ristanovi?, who wrote the articles published in the mentioned and other magazines. He was also the author of Galaksija’s handbook.
The magazine Galaksija provided ways of purchasing the main components that were not available in the shops: the circuit, keyboard and EPROM with software. All other components were standard components available in specialised electronics shops, but not in Yugoslavia, of course.
There was also a commercial version of Galaksija, made by “Zavod za u?ila i nastavna sredstva” in cooperation with “Elektronika inženjering”. This got Galaksija in all Beograd schools and many others. The Beograd radio even had a special time slot for Galaksija, where among other things, they broadcasted software for it. The computer is about as powerful as Sinclair ZX 81, but it has its advantages: better keyboard, built-in hardware compiler, which turned Galaksija in a developers tool for Z80.